Monday, November 9, 2009

Ice-cream therapy is good!


Though it is not that healthy but with Singapore's weather, you can't help loving it~ XDD

Anyway, its been a long time since I went on a ice-cream therapy. Think the last time I went was before my exams? Ever since I started working, didn't get a chance to go, no more student deals at Swensens that time. =(

So, on Friday, Xiang and were walking around Orchard where we happen to bump into Trixy~ We then headed off to ION's Swensens to grab something to eat 1st. And since they had this special limited item going on, with Trixy's tempting, I ordered this:

Swensens' Mudpie.

Just look at the amount of fudge!

The mudpie was okay in my opinion. Still prefer Coffee Club's mudpie. Heehee. I heard New York New York's mudpie is really good too. Shall go and try it one day with Xiang! Whahahaha..

Anyway, that was my 1st time in ION Swensens and I saw the buffet thingy! Was tempted, so XM and I decided to go back there on Sunday to try out the ice-cream buffet~!! Woohoooo!

In the end, only I went for the buffet. XM ate his Chili Fish Pasta which he ate on Friday too. Reason being: Imagine ice-cream and cakes and waffles and hotcakes for dinner. I don't think everyone can just eat that for dinner. But, I can~ Whahahaha! Deserts! (though I should start cutting down...) So I went to try their ice-cream buffet. Lots of different ice-cream flavours. Here is my 1st creation.

Okay, I know it doesn't look appealing to the stomach at all. But its a mixture of 5 different chocolate! Whahahaha! Went for their cakes too but was lazy to take pictures.. or maybe, hungry.

After we were both full with our dinner, we went to BreadSociety to take a look at their interesting breads and bought some back home. I like their paper bag. Heex. And here's mine.

Its not bad. Kinda of similar to BreadTalk. Well, it should be, since they are affiliated.

Okaaay~ Enough of food talk. Making me hungry now. Hahas! Anyway, XM passed me this on Sat.

The KittyLab Fan!!

Woots!! I read about it in a magazine and was pestering him to go with me there. He got the fan from someone handing it out near a MRT station. Hahas. KittyLab seemed interesting and though I'm not a really big fan of Hello Kitty but it looks interesting and somehow or rather, I have quite a few Hello Kitty merchandise. Whahahaha!
Read the story about the KittyLab and it sounds really fun! Can't wait to go~~~~~

I went to their website and saw this:
KittyLab Cap! I want~~~

But its $48. Hopefully there will have lots of unique merchandise and if they have, it will be a time for me to splurge. Hohohoho. I can see $$$ flying away..
And this is what caught XM's eyes:

Hello Tower Recycle Bag~ Heex

Can't wait for it, can't wait for it~~~

Okie, time to sleep now~ Early lesson tomorrow. And I did my tutorial again! Amazing~
And on a side note: I want wavy hair~ XDD


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